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Immigration and Integration

Involvement in the areas of Immigration and Integration.


Immigration, Integration and the Future of our Church

Church involvement relating to immigration and integration issues is underpinned by the Christian view of humanity, by respect for fundamental human rights and by the struggle for a fair social order. It aims to contribute to humane living conditions for all and to achieve a just distribution of the world’s resources. This is a continuous task. As both religion and society have gradually become more intercultural, strengthening processes of self-assurance and identity formation has become increasingly important. To practice dealing with social diversity and cultural differences is mandatory today. Learning to responsibly deal with conflicts, to resolve arguments with respect for contesting views and to reach agreement on fundamental values of human life has assumed an ever greater importance.




Role of the Commissioner for Immigration and Integration:

    •    Give advice to parishes, church facilities and councils, and support co-workers in the migration department

    •    Support church departments contribute to tackling individual cases and church asylum

    •    Initiate political campaigns and take action to improve integration and the protection of refugees

    •    Cooperate with other agents, ranging from the social services, ecumenical networks and immigrant organizations to the state and society at large

    •    Develop concepts and principles and provide competent supervision and monitoring for co-workers

    •    Co-work on fund raising, PR and events



Commissioner for Immigration and Integration

Letzte Änderung am: 28.02.2023